Tuesday 28 October 2008

Here you go, here's my profile:

Name: William Joseph Joseph (optional) Woodget

Birthday: 13th February 1988

Birthplace: Redditch, Worcestershire

Current location: Worcester/Huddersfield

Eye colour: Blue with gold stars in the middle

Hair colour: Long, dark brown

Height: About 5'9"

Right-handed, left-handed or ambedexterous: Right-handed

Your heritage: English, Irish, French...

The shoes you wore today: Trainers

Your weakness: I'm nearly always anti-social... and I'm not great at making friends either...

Your fears: Hights... and Dogs...

Your perfect pizza: Meat feast!!!

Goal you would like to achieve this year: Do better at 3D Studio Max...

Thoughts first waking up: Meh...

Your bedtime: Usually 11:30pm... but I usually stay up till around 12am or 1am

Your most missed memory: Some of my best friends at Uni.

Pepsi or coke: coke defo...

McDonalds or Burger King: BK all the way!

Single or Group Dates: Single... I guess

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Iced Tea, but I'm not too bothered really...

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate, always chocolate

Cappuccino or Coffee: I don't like either...

Do you smoke: Nope

Do you swear: Sometimes, when the time arises.

Do you sing: Again, when the time arises

Have you been in love: Yep!

Do you want to go to college: Already been there.

Do you want to get married: Yeah, I'd love to

Do you belive in yourself: More than I did when I was younger

Do you get motion sickness: Not usually...

Do you think you are attractive: In some ways

Are you a health freak: A little, I'm trying to be...

Do you get along with your parents: Usually...

Do you like thunderstorms: Not when they cut out the electricity, but they can be fun...

Do you play an instrument: not really now, no.

In the past month have you drank alcohol: Ya!

In the past month have you smoked: Nah

In the past month have you gone on a date: Yes

Ever been drunk: Yes

How do you want to die: Saving someone else.

What do you want to be when you grow up: Creat storylines for computer games

What country would you most like to visit: Japan, again, as well as the USA, China and Mexico

Number of things in your life you regret: None

That'll do for now...

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